OK, I think this post is necessary, cos am I really on hiatus? It is a holiday. I got back into blogging during November, just a bit, as I promised to but now... I'm back, worse than I was in October. I've read more books & still not reviewed enough.
I'm not in bliss... close to stess... but ignorant all the same. |
I'm what other bloggers have recently been calling a 'blogging fail'* or a 'messy blogger'. I'm slightly different though as I'd say my main problem is: I could easily post for you*, guys. There's lots of things I want to post but I won't until I'm ready to be back for good, and that means reviews. If it comes to it, and this doesn't go soon, I'll post meme's or something but I want to see if I can re-read the books I should've reviewed in either October, November or the recent ones from this month. I can't believe the type of reviewer I've become. Have I forgotten to review? Surely not. I used to love it. I think it's the fact I'm more passionate about other things - lots of them still bookish - which affects it. There's so many things I'm giving time to which I probably could give to reviewing. I still read. But then I go on Pottermore, I tweet even more & get tons more bookish discussions than I need (less for blogging :/), I read other blogs (but I haven't commented, except on Asti's Bookish Games, I know. But my blog's empty & commentless most of the time... you don't want to come & return the favour on something months old, if you do intend to return it, that is.) & I just... I don't know. School's not much busier (surprise, I know). Family, or friends, are not more demanding.
Hence, I know the problem lies with me. And my issue I can't define.
I'm now more messy than ever (in answer to
BookRockBetty @ this post!), on this website. I shouldn't be now I'm essentially a year old. Yep, it's my blogoversary this month but I don't deserve to have a song & dance made of it cos how much time have I actually spent here? Over a year, a lot. But last bit of this year? Yeah, you get my drift.
I think I'm irritated cos I did use to be neat here too. I commented on blogs, I scheduled posts, I kept to TBRs mostly, I knew what I had to post & roughly when & although sometimes I decided to do things differently it was for the better, didn't last long & my plan still worked.
Yeah, blog planning. Did that. Woopity do. I'm mood-reading & deciding my mood also means reviewing seems about as appealing as walking into a dung heap & leaping around... I don't even do meme's, even the ones I like as they were a bit random. I just can't. Not reviewing means I can't call myself a book blogger. Book bloggers review. They get requests for books & then read them. The review goes up around publication. It's a process. Book bloggers do post other things but reviews... shouldn't they be first priority? This is just what I've always thought & been able to do for months before falling flat on my face.
But first I do this. So brave, I know. Fight or flight?
(Harry Potter is sooo old, look at the quality of the GIFs... Yikes, I'm sorry, but I like the GIF). |
Do I plan with ARCs, or even any books I have to read, now? A little. Only thanks to Goodreads though. Which may I point out I'm checking less as reviews are everywhere & I don't want to be reminded which ones I have to review. I'm not helping myself. It's gone beyond procrastination cos when I do that I know I'll come back & be able to do that thing I'm delaying.
That's me. F-grade. Or E-. All the same :P |
Now, I think I'm having to learn from scratch. I will re-read books I had for review & read but didn't review. I will make myself do that as it's fair... right? It will make me do it & I can't think of a better way. I tried the easy approach. That was trying to ease myself in... But I just read more & did not spend more time, or enough time even, reviewing! I could even use the term
Asti @ A Bookish Heart did here, and say I'm a fail. Cos if I got a grade in book blogging based on these last few months I'd see a drop down to an F, or at best an E!
Do you think I'm now someone who is lazy or can you think of a way I can get out of this? Perhaps I can turn back to the person I liked better a year ago (a much more organized & a nicer person than this Amy, take it from me)... What's the impression you're getting from me? Please help if you can. If you can, you're a hero. I love you.
Amy Bookworm... does love you. Whether you can help or not. *fingers crossed I'm gonna get through this horribleness*
{PS: I know
Asti &
Betty got a lot of comments on their posts & perhaps help, I'm honestly not expecting that but anything is appreciated. Feel free to check out their posts, I love them & they made me want to be honest with you guys, like them, and post this. All my respect to both of those wonderful bloggers, who I think are great for the record & definitely are still doing better than me XD}.
A tree my cat could not:
a) eat decorations of (I know he doesn't eat books).
b) actually hide under. He wouldn't fit.
((PPS: If I haven't said it already to you, via Twitter I assume but whatever, MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU LOVELY BOOKISH PEOPLE :D))
*besides the old review which I just posted again... That was
this special review with Harry Potter (the first book)! Please check it out if you like... it does need feedback, lol :P