2012... Christmas.
I had a pre-Christmas Book Haul to introduce future readers to my blog (since I had none at the time of writing, I looked to the future).This is the future. And I've had a good number of pages views. And I've only read one book from the book haul. NonSuch King by Benjamin Myers.
But I organized my bookcases into British/other.
My Book Haul wasn't so much that I was haulin' books pre-Christmas, I was actually choosing them for others to give me for Christmas. I considered reading Pandemonium which was from my Mum & not for Christmas but I didn't.
So I wasn't actually allowed Unrest (which interestingly is by the same author as the books on the left- which weren't Christmas presents).
Or Thief, Hacker, Pig Heart & Antidote.
I did survive not reading Secrets, Lies and Locker 62 (and read The Perks Of Being A Wallflower instead- which was a Christmas present & made me wish I'd called this blog 'The Perks Of Being a Bookworm'). I didn't jump into Immortal Beloved: Darkness Falls, and as for the Twisted Symmetry books? The fifth & sixth just had to wait.
Falling and Daylight Saving I purchased after that post, but they were also not surprises.
Doesn't the Daylight Saving spine look amazing (if not slightly odd).
Now you know the author of Unrest & the 13 Treasures series - both of which I shall read (hopefully) in 2013.
I only took photos of my new books joining my British Bookcase, because I only had three by other nationality authors, and I only have three shelves! Gosh, they look sad. And I don't want to take pictures of sad books... Only happy shelves (new ones in the foreground, the others have been nicely put at the back of the shelf.)
My shelves aren't the only happy things- I've read 66 books. I know! Not just 65.
Since I mentioned Perks...
Reviewing... Source: Christmas gift.Rating: 4.5*Recommended for: 13+ Hope you enjoy this audio review. I said I'd link to my written review so here it is! |
I thought afterwards that I should've added some music that is on the Perks playlist (basically a lot of music is mentioned in this book which fit the actual life of Charlie, so it's like his life has a soundtrack if you listen to it while reading) but I don't own- and didn't listen to the playlist- plus it may distract you from my lovely podcast review :P Yeah, so the point is, I didn't listen to the music- but y'know, you may like to! I'm saving the whole 'soundtrack for the movie- hopefully then it’s done more... appropriately. I haven't watched the movie, but I want to. Think I should do a movie adaptation review/comparison thing once I've watched it?
If I do a film review I'll try to pronounce words clearer, and I may slow it down...
Ugh. It took me like 100 times the end length to make it, and still has mistakes/bad dictation. I did cut out a bit that has the most mistakes & mentioned it being a banned book... So I'll mention that although I believe people have the right to read about any concepts they choose, I wouldn't give it to my younger cousins to read for example as it's probably only suitable for 13+ (let's face it, PG-13 is more than a reasonable rating for this book with the controversy etc.)
Plus, I said above some things sound weird- please be aware that I did refer (at 39s) to it being a classic, not plastic. Guess that's obvious, but I'm a rubbish speaker.