Caleb strikes again... He's treating you like his mice ;) Hope you don't mind! It is a Thursday so that (can & shall once in a blue moon) mean...
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I totally admire Michelle @ The True Book Addict, she's created a meme for the love of cats... Thanks for hosting Michelle! Join us by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you may have come across, famous cat art or even share with us pics of your own beloved cat(s). For me, it's often when my cat temporarily becomes my co-blogger. We can only handle it every so often though! The last 'Cat Thursday', I was welcomed by cat lovers (meme participants) far & near... Thank you all so much for that <3 Love yoooooouuuuuuu! We both do, Caleb is clarifying. |
I was going to do this to document some change but Caleb... change? Maybe for a day but then he's back to being cheeky, kinda noisy and you know... probably a typical cat, as far as there's such a thing. His photographicness is not making leaps & bounds. I have a theory: cats change when they lose one of their nine lives. For cats, near-misses with death are a must to see permenant change. Caleb experienced one when we was about six months old - he got hit by a car but recovered after about a month of being in a cage while his pelvis healed. It was sad but he braved it & after that he's totally an indoor cat. Cars, he has learnt, are dangerous. People, he has learnt, are awesome.
Nooo, there's not a camera there. I spy places where books can be stored.
Even if there was a camera here (I don't think there is), it's not like I'd notice it. Cameras? Near books? Nooooo. |
I swear, that's rare for him. He's a bit like this cute cat (just not saavy enough to take a kitten selfie). BTW, why not cameras near books? Taking pictures of books... That's this blog more than a cat's kingdom.
"Amy, do you mind? You're talking about cats & you should know I'm the only cat by now. That's why of the two cats you once had I'm the one still here. She left. Of course, it was an accident I said, 'She loves me more'. You did though, you loved on me'"
"You were in a cage, Caleb. And it took a while for her to actually adopt new owners, or rather their cat food!"
"Hmm... you love me more." (Well, obviously now, he's our cat. Our one little baby with paws.)
He shall return with cuteness & his commentary (again). When it's a picture of him, I can't shut him up. Other cats? Well... to say he acted "coldly"...
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Amy said coldly, I'd say, godly. Like royalty. Are the people in Twilight Vampire Royalty?
As cats have fangs too, you may have heard of 'Twilight: Cat Edition'. Here's me posing for the cover of that (improved) book. If you like cats, like Pusheen, then you will like it.
BTW, this isn't the final version. I apologize for the fact that my human's arm & fur is in this too.
She shall work on having an invisible arm, or photoshop will work it out. Her fur-colour is similar to sofa colour, not as fussed about that. BTW, have you noticed how humans like to use that as a toy? It just dangles in front of us. Their reaction when you try to catch in their claws... It's like they're annoyed. Shouldn't have a toy attached to their head. Cats don't. ~KING CALEB (of Twilight cats).*
Maybe now he's a vampire that means he's lost a life as he changes...? 7 lives, Mr Bookworm. Use them wisely, young cat. I'm starting to realize how cats & vampires are alike in that respect. Cat with 9 lives could confuse Twilight (cat one, respectfully, it's made up) dramatically.
Vote for Caleb as a Cullen! He's fed up of being with us bookworms. Ta-ta for now!
*using a 3D jigsaw puzzle that took this human a few hours to construct when it was wrapped up in "Amy's presents" for Christmas, nobody finds them that easy, right? Not taking it apart now. NEVER.
*using a 3D jigsaw puzzle that took this human a few hours to construct when it was wrapped up in "Amy's presents" for Christmas, nobody finds them that easy, right? Not taking it apart now. NEVER.
Best wishes all! Hope you're having, and will have, a good week! I'm sorry I haven't been here past week... School, eh? You should be seeing me soon but you know I'm trying to take out the stress of blogging stress.
Amy Bookworm :)
Caleb looks like my Chloe Jo. We love black cats!
Caleb is absolutely beautiful ! And he looks clever and regal ;)
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