July 31, 2013

Summer's here! A wrap-up for the previous...

Darlings, I know you’re confused.
OK, you might not be but technically I wrote a sort of wrap up at the end of... hmm, I don't remember when. But these quarterly wrap-up's are necessarily happening & monthly ones? They've gone out of the window... I'll tell you now, probably in September there will be a back to school wrap up. For now, you've got this attempt. These are the only ones I've had the ideas for... Be thankful, your mind can be put at rest... Amy is actually organized now. Why now after getting back into the swing of relaxed Summer (OK, it’s only July... ugh. August might be boring! I hope not...) should I write another wrap-up? Why not do... well, different things?
Do you think I can mix it up more? Here's what's been happening, and yes, I'm telling you, now, what I've done for quite a long time... These at least date back to June!
I know I did this 'It's Monday' which was sort of what I do in wrap-up's anyway (you might forget what I've been reading!) & I'd even put some of the content which definitely belonged in one of these, about the indie (an "indie wrap-up" shall we call it) month & the books I'd received... You guessed it! The other post got called a book haul...
I quite liked that post, actually. So, I'll say: I've mentioned specifically indie maybe, since May (I'm not going to link to another past post -.-)... That’s fantastic as that’s mostly what I read but it’s not all I read. Which you may have seen (did knowing I was in Team Fox help? Hehe, Liebster!)

I also was making progress with my goals...

Goal 1. Keep getting blogger friends ;) And have 100 blog followers.

Well... I'm sure with bloglovin' (I don't have it, just the link to my blog), feedburner, feedly & GFC I have 100. May I quickly say? HA. I was right, GFC stayed! I've got quite a nice following, but you know what I really, really like? MY BLOGGER FRIENDS! *hugs* You know who you are... If I listed them I'd miss someone out so just trust me... I have friends. How? I don't know.
Well, one of my friends is really nice! She said this post would be interesting... You really must tell me what your opinion on that is, reader. Anyway, shout out to Gee Walters who blogs at BAW Junior... Now you want to see what that acronym stands for, don't you? Well... I'll be here when you come back. To comment. Maybe? /Completed

2. Either keep up my two meme's or have new ones- must do two different ones     during May/June.
I did this. Book Blogger Confessions was only cut down a little after the buzz in April with an extra Monday being present... Oh wait, due to laptop issues. Well, I did it a little bit here! I didn't stop completely, and won't... Just wait! I also participated in What’s Next?, It’s Monday, What Are You Reading, Top Ten Tuesday... And the book haul was for a different "haulin' meme" but even so... that's another one! If you count the #reviewparty review on Monday as a kinda meme-type thing (it probably will become a meme eventually, early days!) then BAM. I've really done better than I thought... Hooray for expectation exceeding! Let's do this one again (Goal for September & August)...

3. Read 12 books (both months, of which I'll try & read 6/6 male/female author- or at least 5/7!)     You know much of what I read but do you know how many?
I read (and reviewed) the first lost of six in May, but this post only dates back to June remember (yeah, ignore the fact these targets were for both months).
I began Fire  in May, but finished during June... It was the 7th to help me reach this mid-year goal... And then... Runners (reviewed late, in June), Far Out, The Jackie Chan Fan Club, Tethers (have you not seen this review? That's because it wasn't at this blog... Rita @ Weaving pages has seen it... because we did it together! Apart from that, I'm keeping shushed about it for the rest of July... Ask me in August!), my last read was Noble Conflict which obviously was reviewed after the indie month for a should-be-apparent reason. Phew... Lots of linking! They're links to the 6 books I read in June, all together & a link to a blogger friend/soul sister! :P
Umm... Yeah, even though its now the holidays (it hasn't even been a week yet) I've only read 5 others after those? SAY WHAT? 5...? Maybe this isn't exceeding my expectations, but oh well... I can do better now. Although...  /Completed
Bonus (mini review of a short story): Once Upon A Tag

Now: Goal for August & September...
Read 15 books overall & a bit more by male authors! Quite a nice target, I think.

4. Have 3000 blog views by May 31st (at midnight).
Don't even ask about stats... Wait! You didn't?


*begins to feel mean about not telling you my stats so spills* well... I reckon it was before May 31st I did. But I hadn't actually transferred over to Google Analytics then, so I can't be sure. I know my page viewing stats have been moderately good so I'll just say I'm happy with successes regarding this & not set myself a target. /Completed

5. Tell you about awesome stuff (not just books)- I mean, there's a meme called 'Cat Thursday'. If that's not a good opportunity... What be good?
Well, I didn't specifically do Cat Thursday and I'm sure this was a joke goal... We only really care about the books ;) Well, no... Not true. Maybe I should do my 'joke goal' forever? Well, incase you don't like that idea I'm setting it as a 'Goal for September & August'.

There's 3 which continue & I'm not setting it as an official goal but I should have a review archive up soon as I've heard they are much appreciated... Amy Bookworm will find out ;)

Now, I haven't talked about books enough...
When I updated you generally last official wrap-up (I said I wouldn't link it, but now I will- here you go!) I mentioned that I had completed the challenge for reading Books By A Woman Author (See SUPER GIRL post + tag, also short stories not included).
So, what are the rest of my challenge/Reading Stats (read/total needed) for this "period of time"...
I obviously managed to top my last achievement for the British Book Challenge (See this blog page, here are the reviews - some count towards women author challenge too, doesn't include short stories even if tagged). Before the books mentioned above, and then May, I’d only read five books, one of which was indie! Perhaps I felt like I had to amp that up? XD So... yeah. I'm back to the 'five books a month'. Every quarter starts like this (July is technically in a separate quarter but I felt sorry for June, April was the start of quarter 2 & January... only 5 books then as well... what is this?!)
*skims over the past, and really unimpressive stats, and flies into the future*
What are your bookish plans for the Summer? Also, if you have a wrap-up post, for the month or whatever, feel free to link it & I'll fly by on my way to September ;) Now... also, what was the enjoyment factor (that's the second main thing... books > enjoyment)?
June/July have been fairly great, even with school! (: I made lots of visits (like in comment/interview style as I was busy reviewing @ Once Upon A Series), read lots, met loads of great authors and book bloggers & even did my 1st character interview!... I did a lot. I'm not going to mention it in the 'goodbye speech'. Wait, goodbye speech...? ONLY Til' next time (otherwise known as in August, duh)!...

July 29, 2013

Reviewing... [36] The Truth about Celia Frost

Today is the experimental #reviewparty... It will return in August!
(Image modified from Fliker_2000's Precious Moments as according to Google it was labelled for reuse w/ modifications)

More details are to follow, but I'd just like to share with you how this review came about... It came about during a special Twitter event hosted by myself, Charli @ To Another World & Sophie @ A Day Dreamer's World! It was our trial day as Sophie adequately explained but it won't be the last of its kind... We'll keep you posted on Twitter and you'll see it around so watch our online spaces! You can drop in at any point during the day for any space of time...
I was going to do this as another audio review (remember my first ever review? Probably not... GO FETCH!... lol) as I thought this would make my participation in review party even more fun but then I realized it'd be awful with being distracted by tweets & what have I got to prove? Besides I don't always sound ridiculous... Well, I'll tell you now. I'd have rambled more than I did in the below review so not a good idea... Especially not if I start replying to tweets but voicing my thoughts... You don't want to hear that, you just want to (hopefully) enjoy this review (oh, and come to August's #reviewparty)!

Reviewing... [36]

Source: Library
Author: Paula Rawsthorne 
Recommended for: Anyone that likes books that are a little "gritty".

I decided to pick up The Truth about Celia Frost as it sounded really different to most YA's & I haven't read anything like this for a long time... I'm interested in books which involve illnesses/disorders for some strange reason and this book captured my attention when it mentioned that Celia has lived her life in fear of a rare disorder which could kill her... just after the slightest cut. I wondered what risks she'd encounter & how her blood wouldn't clot... I was just very intrigued by this book, it sounded less gritty than it was... But now I know what people mean when they say that UKYA is often grittier than you'd expect! This book was an example of that, anyway.
The Truth About Celia Frost is not what you'd expect; we hear it from both herself and Frankie, as the book has a split perspective. FBI is a private investigator exploring a dodgy case, it begins the moment that the book begins when Celia has to move, with her mother, Janice... Why are they always on the move?
This is what I wondered and Frankie began to put the pieces together, Celia began to develop & turn into a completely different person, but still one that I understood & empathized with. I really did empathize with her...
What? No! This can't be happening... (I'm talking about during the book, not the fact I can empathize!)
Well, it is happening. Oh, characters! You poor little things, you have no idea... There's just so much mystery and I'm in awe of how it can be such a thrilling novel... I know it's partly because we hear from Frankie and Celia whose lives are very much entwined by a plausible lie. Are their lies; little white ones? You know there's a massive deal with Celia's blood but that's about all you should be SURE of. You'll kind yourself hooked as (I'm sorry this sounds cliched) the plot thickens, eeeek! I love the fast pace and was actually devouring this quicker than I thought I could... I genuinely became a fast reader for this book, it was kind of necessary otherwise how the hell would I find out what happens (don't say Twitter O.o)? I read it in 2 sittings I believe... Yeah, that's how fantastic it was! Now I really wish it was possible, and legal, to actually glue an author to their computer, take away all their distractions (wait, would I be mean enough to ban someone from Twitter? I think not! Maybe I'll just stop Paula from sleeping...) until they've pumped out another credible novel...
Have I ever mentioned what a nice blogger I am? Well, I'm being nice to this book... Well, actually, as it deserves it I'm probably being harsh & mean again. This is a clever tale which is so unique. You won't read a book like it again, so read this & treasure the experience- especially when you're sitting on the edge of your seat, turning pages as fast as humanly possible...
I am saying she should write a separate next book as this book... It's fabulous and... well, second books are peculiar. There's no way even Rawsthorne could write an equally excellent sequel... Just no. A sequel isn't necessary as much as I love these characters so...
A friendship begins between Celia & Sol, neighbourhood boy, and I was just smiling so much :') It's so nice to see friendships between boys & girls... Especially as, believe me, its the first friendship Celia has properly had. Sol doesn't think she's a freak and believe me, she's definitely not quite a freak anymore... That's all I'm saying (evil smile returns!) What will you think of Celia's changing relationships, I wonder? It's a fantastic element to the amazing novel is what I can reveal.
OK, mainly that one... I don't understand how the relationship between Celia & her mother can be as it is... It seems a bit extreme but it did improve thankfully and I felt that this enabled them to both be happier than they were at the beginning. Remember, it isn't just Celia that's unhappy in the beginning... Happier...? But how happy? What am I implying? Who knows...?
It doesn't gradually become more & more obvious, you'll see. Your confusion will rise and rise and...-
I definitely thought I knew what would happen a few times but the majority of them I was proven wrong about... As I said, I might be being harsh to The Truth about Celia Frost, but its up for you to decide... I would recommend it to many. So, here you go!

Amy Bookworm (@Amy_Bookworm) rated this book: 

July 27, 2013

Liebster Award... (aka. Eleven Emerges).

Yikes! Amy Bookworm gets an award that has its German Origins again. Ironic considering the 'Deutsch Preis' I got at school. Well, first & foremost -
I was nominated a while ago by Snuggles w/ Rainbows (who blogged at Weebly, Blogger & Wordpress) but as I didn't respond due to a very recent nomination I missed my chance...
Since Megan @ TTP Book Blog sent me a nomination & this time I accepted!

11 Random Facts About Myself...
1. I currently have an obsession with Uno, it's really cutting into my reading time (like 1+ hours a day, at least)... Well, as it's holidays I can afford it more than usual!
2. I need to get into the Wii Fit again, I loved that thing!
3. I like Wii Fit because my hand-eye coordination is... well, temperamental. If it's raquet-type sports/eye I'm bound to fail... yet I'm pretty good at Rounders. Weird.
4. I'm currently starting my DofE Bronze! YAY.
5. I'm a cat person.
6. I'm a Twitter addict (umm... is now a good time to mention the 'Twitter Fiend' award category of the Bloggy Awards 2013! I'm so thankful for every nomination I received & if you feel so inclined, vote for me maybe when voting starts on Monday? I know I'm against people with way more followers, so I'm not expecting anything & I'm against Jack, which would be sad if he wasn't doing so well with another award which I bet he'll win).
7. I'm a member of #TeamFox, which is the first publisher to sent me REAL books. YAY!
8. I have Titian hair (that’s an artist BTW, google it...)
9. I am a child full of 'WOAH' apparently (I was born on a Wednesday).
10. I wear contact lenses on my green irises... quite a bit.
11. My freckles are possibly multiplying by 10% every week... It's highly likely.

Questions For Me!

1. What one person inspires you the most?
I can’t really idolize people :P I’m a Christian & I suppose anybody that’s in with that is a great! But y'know maybe the actual Dude himself, Jesus (and I'm allowed to call him that according to the Pastor :P)

2. What is your favorite book and why?
I always cheat on this one. It’s hard, OK! So I’ll tell you the one in the previous year that was my favourite. That’s Candor by Pam Bachorz! It’s a fab dystopia which somehow is crossed with utopia... sort of. I began GR in 2011 so who knows what I liked before that? XD

3. If you could be any character from a book you've read, who would it be and why?
I have no clue. Absolutely none. OK... maybe Anna in The Twisted Symmetry. I can’t tell you why though, it’s a spoiler!

4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Dog-earing pages. Don’t, OK?

5. When you picture the perfect Saturday afternoon, what are you doing that makes it perfect?
Having attention paid to me by my cat, hopefully reading...

6. What is one thing you can't leave the house without?
Hand sanitizer. OK, I have left the house without it but I regret it every time.

7. What is your worst vice?
Procrast – oh wait, is that a new tweet?

8. How did you get into blogging?
My story (it isn’t versatile):
I was inspired by Vlogging. I don’t mean I vlogged but I used to watch just vloggers until I stopped off at booktubers (yes, vloggers but bookish ones who basically video what I blog now). Lots had goodreads & I’d been a referral from google many a time. I always googled bookish things and it’d direct me there even for quotes! I didn’t realize much about it until I signed up, followed these vloggers, started reviewing, doing other stuff & ended up finding out about the non-video equivalent. I liked those reviews too and the blogs were a good idea so... hey, presto! I wish I could say a certain blogger did but really it was a journey which took months & eventually I blogged myself, not understanding quite the size of the community just knowing that I’d seen some pop up here & there. Now I know the truth ;)

9. What is one random thing most people don't know about you?
Surely they didn't know all of the above beforehand?

10. What's your favorite book genre and why?
UKYA *jazz hands* Well, a mix of contemporary, paranormal & dystopian mainly. I like Fantasy, Action & a snippet of romance as well...

11. Which Dystopian society would you rather live in: Divergent, Hunger Games or 1984 and why. (if you haven't read any of these, tell me from what you have read, which society you'd choose?
I’ve only read The Hunger Games so I’ll go with that ;)
For The People I've Nominated:

Also create your own questions for your nominees!
1. Love triangles or not?
2. What foreign languages do you speak?
3. Favourite type of music?
4. What is your favourite book with a movie adaptation? And why?
5. Have you experienced any occupational hazards in being a book blogger? If so, what?
6. Do you ever smell books? If not, is it because you prefer digital books?
7. Hardcover or paperback?
8. A book you didn’t finish...?
9. How do you order your bookshelves/bookcase(s)?
10. Favourite short story/novella?
11. Do you count these in your books read total?

OK, I know you're supposed to nominate 11 but when I last did that, one or two ONLY responded.
Anyway, today I am nominating (the only ones I can think of who I believe accept awards, haven't recieved this award or haven't got over 200 followers; I also haven't nominated them before!)...
Rita @ Weaving Pages
Charli @ To Another World

If you are eligible and want to be nominated, contact me & I'll add you!
Have a great day all & hope you didn't mind this post... :P

July 24, 2013

Reviewing... [35] Runners

I've really meant to put this review up for an age but you know about the issues which don't exist now (it all gets solved when laptops are repaired)... So, here you are!

Reviewing... [33]

Source: Received for review.Author: Sharon SantRecommended for: Fans of Thief (by Malorie Blackman).

Just to show you that some bookworms like weather...
Or are like british weather (forget futuristic), really, really evil...
Unfortunately, although Runners held appeal because it was a dystopian, it didn’t meet the genre expectations entirely. I regard dystopian as catalysed by Sci-Fi, although elements did exist the book wasn’t as futuristic as you’d expect- renewable energy is hopefully going to be reality by the time I’m 30. I care more about the intricacies of society and clear motivations than weather. Surely characters are not more concern about weather than war? Issues didn’t seem to be linked clearly to reality; although the storyline was realistic I wasn’t entirely sure the world was tangible enough to be a dystopian Britain.
It seemed like some areas (of the setting, not book) were definitely crumbling but why...? I’d imagine government to do their norm (in fiction) & crack down on people in some idiotic way or be offering multitudes of issues in their world & not just to a certain group... Instead, well... I don’t even know if Britain is still democratic (oh... that might be why it’s not the same as other dystopian).

It’s all clear now why children were affected... Now, would you like me to get back to the review?
I probably have these questions as the world is so unique- it doesn’t contain the buzz of life or a culture engrained like Britain. It just simply isn’t a book which can be compared to another. How many books do you know where timelines cross and destiny seems mesmerizing.
I know it sounds weird but I love how they were children. They weren’t made to act older by superficial means or just convenience, they were who they were & they honestly rocked like polka dot socks (don’t ask).
They learnt to be independence & I could easily define this is as a coming-of-age story which sets Runners apart from other dystopian. There are strong themes about friendship, resilience, identity & so on. Our characters start having the chance to wonder if there are other people affected- even by the CMO- which is most likely the dystopian element. Does Science mean anything in this book? I think it’s more about time which obviously is an element of science but this was way more the emotional, or physiological, feel. That’s how this book came to be enjoyed, redeeming from the lack of accuracy (I feel) in genre expectation.
If you’re into books that are futuristic, reflective & feature interesting characters this is for you! In terms of what the characters are age & maturity wise it’s like ‘Thief’ (Malorie Blackman). As mentioned above, if you liked that then read this! Yes, I’m saying if you like books by the frickin’ children’s laureate then you’ll love this book by a storyteller without fault in those abilities which include: allowing readers to emerge from the novel, or in breaks, with several new characters stories written in their hearts; creating a plot that has meaning & finally... that meaning? Sant can carry that meaning through, not stretch it, I just mean utilize it & develop on that.
I came to love every single character- Tessa a rather large amount. I think it’s because she had developed beyond that childhood- even though many are Runners they are still full of this- innocence and learning. She wasn’t coming of age but she still held little authority compared to many of the adult figures, Braithwaite & so on. She was charming and eager to make a change, like an ideal character.
I can only hope Sharon doesn’t just write prologues for Runners, give me a story following Tessa’s life after well... a certain incident, shall I say? This was one of the points at which, as aforementioned, science-fiction elements came to be more realistic because of emotion involved. I’ll leave you hanging there.
When you take a chance on Runners let me know if there’s one you particularly took a shine too. Was it Elijah with his dynamic qualities? Rosa, cunning, but still with her regrets. Seemingly distant Xavier or his brother who likes being on the same page? Sky with her visions or the plainer easy-going younger boys, Rowan &/ Jimmy?
Who will you love; who will you believe?

Amy Bookworm (@Amy_Bookworm) rated this book: 

July 22, 2013

Book Promo [#12]: Reaper's Rhythm (Pre-Release!)

Ooh, look! It's something new by the cat-loving, highschool-teaching Clare Davidson (if you missed my interview with her feel free to pop over & check it out here. Where else can you find this author?S ClareDavidson.com | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | New releases mailing list S

 Here's the wraparound cover which includes the blurb, spine & the cover- its absolutely stunning!

RELEASED 26th July 2013!
Reaper’s Rhythm is a young adult urban fantasy, with a large dash of mystery set in modern day England...

WHEN everyone thinks your sister committed suicide, it’s hard to prove she was murdered...

Both cover and this image by
Bramasta Aji.
Sound intriguing? Here's a snippet:

An oversized photograph of Charley stands on an easel at the front. I freeze and stare at her charming smile, unable to squeeze a breath out of my lungs. I recognise the photo. It was taken the evening of her year 11 prom. She was wearing a peach ball gown with a sequined bodice that wrapped tightly around her torso. The skirt splayed out like a waterfall. Her blond curls were piled on top of her head and her makeup was expertly applied to accentuate her angular cheek bones and her full red lips. It’s exactly how I remember Charley: beautiful and confident.     
~Reaper's Rhythm

July 20, 2013

Reviewing... [34] Infinite Sky

Seriously, I told Chelsey she should keep writing, always. I MEAN IT.

Reviewing... [34]

Source: British Book Challenge prizeAuthor: C.J. FloodRecommended for: Summer days (total twist there!)

I smiled so much during Infinite Sky, a mix of happy and sad smiles. The types of smiles which all blur together, you don't know if you might get RSI from a repetition of the same facial expression (is that possible?) I just adore this book, I can't even explain the pleasant feeling I get when I reflect back on this book. It didn't really make me sad as it even know feels nothing like a story about death. That's there but I think it's as a contrast to the life that flows through the pages. Infinite Sky is a refreshing coming-of-age story. Now I know what you think I mean by refreshing... There's many parts to this, though. This book is special, it's so different. I knew this wasn't a book about a normal Summer but I knew it would be about Summer, I'd picked up the words 'Tunisia' & 'fields of corn' before reading and I'll tell you the latter is way more significant to Infinite Sky. It added to the atmosphericness (woo, new word I think!) of Infinite Sky. You know when you read a book & you just want to hunt down the scene yourself? I felt like that (but am not in the right part of England really). I think it would be amazing to just have the spacial, and naturist, awareness that Iris does. I love her Dad for teaching her about so much of nature and I just love the security the cornfields seem to provide. They sound lovely and better than any tourist hot spot. I'd rather have a romance in a hilly golden wilderness than the, in comparison, urbanized Paris! I just love the setting (which I actually don't say a lot), I hate the idea that there's a Winter and the corn fields have to be harvested. Farmers, just leave Iris' corn alone! The Winter is what made the STUPID Mother go away. She's just stupid, I can't even explain it. Her actions were fairly rash and she's not the most reasonable person. Sure, Iris loves her; I don't have to.
I have to admit that- and I won't spoil it- I didn't know who would die. I kept flicking between and one point I had convinced myself that almost anyone could kill anyone. There were options which would've upset me and others which I could brush off. I won't tell you anymore than that...
I do love how Chelsey writes about the travellers, including Trick. He is so loveable & I feel sorry for him so often as well. Sam, her brother, and her father as well had issues & they were so realistic too. Sam is nothing like my brother but I love how he was written (I think I thought about him as being 'invented' too much...), he has his issues but he has love and understanding for Iris a fair amount too.
Trick has the most understanding though. Their relationship is amazing and I love Iris' approach to the whole thing, it was good how she'd reflect on what he was saying and she actually acted like a reasonable teen. She might be at the younger end but so what? She actually acts like a very normal person, she reflects and she isn't as shallow as a flick of paint! She's just the right amount of naive, she figures things out although she won't have done so in an instant.
The book is such a delight and I love it so!

Amy Bookworm rated this book: 

July 18, 2013

Reviewing... [33]: Young Moon

Luca & Jacob wondered if there were any good looking women on it... What do I even say? I know how to respond to the 'short' bit *salutes* Let me set the scene of my Tuesday this week guys... Sports Day. Watching the sand fly up as the boys careered across the pit after doing a triple jump, waiting for the long jump, unaware of the fate she's walking into Amy Bookworm smiles, taking a sip of water & psyching up... to come last. Well, 10th out of 12 (and 2 didn't even get any jumps). I had one foul out of three... I'm at least blaming it partly on my height, OK?
Anyway, the funny thing is my friends decided the reason I'd done not very well was because I was a fairy. Well, they said I looked cute to which I repeated, 'CUTE?'.
'Yes, like a fairy.' So thanks, Luca. You're not the only one calling me cute, my friends do. In a sort of naff 'you're a fairy' and a 'you can't punch to save your life' way :P
Have some good looking books, boys. If they are short, I don't dare (these books are short).
The Young Moon is the second book of The Sky Song Trilogy, I wonder if you want to check out my Sky Song review first? Especially if you haven't read Young Moon (well, this won't contain spoilers for Young Moon!) or Sky Song yet.

Reviewing... [33]

Source: Received for review.Author: Sharon SantRecommended for: Well, if you looked at this tour & thought it looked interesting WHY are you asking me who? YOU.

Where do I even begin? I love these books, the Sky Song Trilogy is not littered with errors of any kind. I don't think, 'THIS IS UNNECESSARY' or 'How dare there be a misspelling?' or anything along those lines & well, that can't be overlooked. It kind of has some twists but I would say they only keep you on the edge of your seat, you shouldn't fall of it. If you do, well... Plaster?
I also can't overlook Ellen. She was much more of a main character, shall I say, in the previous novel but now I've realized she can be called an independent heroine. I said, and I'm concerned but sort of OK with that, she's like Hermoine in some ways. I'm saying it again in The Young Moon review... BUT why do I like her so much? Is it because she's like in a trio, Luca definitely isn't a third wheel but I'm sort of glad she's there for Jacob, he relies on her... And Luca. OK, Jacob relies on everybody. He says it himself.
Seriously, I didn't think the love triangle would be properly resolved as they are great guys and neither of them are the right option. It’s hard to see which one you root for (by this I don’t mean distracts you). Hey... There’s a good point! Neither are just worth a chapter’s worth (or a stretched out novel) as a plot device, they are worth being part of the trilogy and the novel which doesn’t evolve round love. It’s about destiny. The destiny which has been carried out for two years, the honeymoon period... Love ‘em, hate ‘em, you know Jacob's got one. "things really had moved on in Jacob’s absence. (Kindle Locations 241)." And his is pretty darn complex- it involves a certain somebody who is kickass and it seems good that she is portrayed as reckless, hard, antisocial and so on... Things that boys in fiction are often seen to be, but Sharon's boys are not jerks. No, in fact I'd say Jacob is too thoughtful, he turns a bit paternal. He cares for his parents so much as a horrible situation is presented to him. It is so well etwined and so realistic. This book. Just. YES.
He's definitely maturing and making mistakes- like seriously! At some points I just wanted to shake him. BAD, BAD BOY.
Obviously, he can't do everything right but was he always so... impulsive? Well, suppose some obstacles you just have to attack with a massive "YOLO". He has so many obstacles. Oh, almost tears. Why did I say that? For Astreans it's so much more and he may just want to turn his back... He's one half of a young moon, surely the other one will have his home planet's back? The least he can have is a romance. How much of one? OK, not a lot. Luca's ridin' solo also, they are just bros working together through the sadness, through the joy... They are just so real.
Overall, I totally loved this follow-up. I cannot believe how it all came together & then just... cliffhanger. It wasn't the worst cliffhanger I'm sure, it helps that Not Of Our Sky is out... Hmm, you should really read all three.

Amy Bookworm (@Amy_Bookworm) rated this book:

And finally a giveaway...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

July 16, 2013

C.J Flood is just popping in!

I mentioned in my general post about the book event I went to recently that the highlight was meeting the lovely author of Infinite Sky (link on image), a book I finished on Friday. It was fabulous & I wouldn't blame you if you cried... But I didn't. Dude, I'm cold-hearted regarding book characters (especially when something happens to the one you've most thought of as a character, not a person- that shouldn't give it away!)

So, I asked some questions & I didn't promise an interview as it was more of a chat & we discussed a lot, all of which I'm happy to discuss/mention. But I'll get on with the questions first (and you'll see what I mean!)

General Questions:
(In red is the important bits by me! The more important bits are the responses & stuff).

• For the readers (well... I hope there will be readers), what’s your name & where do you call home (I think I’m right in saying you’ve lived in Derby, Bristol & Norfolk- one of which is the place C.J is popping into, not quite this blog specifically I'm afraid)?

Hi, I'm Chelsey. I grew up in Derby, and now live in Bristol. I would call Derby home though I’m not going to go back there... (I didn’t write down all she said because umm... I didn’t have to, did I? But basically Derby isn’t as culturally rich, it has a lovely environment but not the same Arts and Literature). Obviously Bristol has trees as well! (and did you know Chelsey likes fire and the sea and trees? Well you should it says on her Goodreads page!)

• Is there anything you'd like to say to your teenage self- would you mention being a published author?

I'd say: Don't worry, people are so concerned with themselves and it's never as bad as you think because they aren't as worried about you. Teen me would be very impressed to know I have a book deal. She didn't think people like me could get them.

• (Honestly readers, I wasn't nosy & didn't push for a reveal but Chelsey has an announcement which is still secret- for now... I was wondering if it was an upcoming book hence the next question). Anything to reveal regarding your upcoming books or what you are working on at the movement?

I'm working on 'Ragwoods' (I can't read my handwriting, kill me now if that's misspelt!). It's another standalone about a 13-year old whose solider brother went missing... (OOOH! Will she find him? Can't wait to find out. Simon & Schuster better be nice! *HINT, HINT publishers*)

• I haven’t spoken much about Infinite Sky on the record, so can I ask the reasons for setting it where you did. One of the best features of UKYA is having it set nearish but there’s lots of difference between different areas of even just England! How do you feel about the ‘British feel’ of Infinite Sky?

(It sounds British, it does Chelsey!) Writers should realize what's essential to set the scene and give the sense, either of Britain or whatever is relevant... Description shouldn't involve just where something is placed. (and obviously Chelsey does know the area enough so that's the place in the UK it's set- you'll find out where!... And look at the map in the book for clues, she says!)

• Agreed! But I've been kind of vague there so simple- umm, maybe it's not but it's not going to be vague, it's got to be to the point *evil laugh*- describe your book, Infinite Sky, in 10 words or less if you can.
Infinite Sky is a tragic story about loyalty and prejudice.

• Woo, bang on ten! Because I totally haven’t been nosy enough myself, I’m asking a question which one of my Twitter bloggy friends (I think you said hi so this shouldn't be comfort-zone invading!) suggested, can you describe your average day with writing & stuff like that?
A very good average day = 2 hrs writing, 1 hr social networking, 1 or 2 hrs reading, then emails, another 2 hrs writing/editing, then fun.

• Talking about your comfort zone, what  is the hardest part of {a book} to write? Is there something you really, really hate to do?

Ending is hardest, for me. I do edit as I go along... It does waste time! (She also said the annoying thing, the thing she hates to do- but it has to be done & is the curse of editing- is delete whole sections which trailed off in the wrong direction... I don't remember the words :P The best bits- and I did write this down, these are the words- are the) Lasagne Chapters... They were good, but you won't know until you've read it.

• Ooh, now I really have to ask! You said you like writing fictional brothers, have you written a lot & are they ever based on your brother or does he think they are? Is it scary thinking he might be like, “This is me O.o.”

Sam started off based on my brother but now isn't recognizable as him... Sam went off on his own! I do like to write fictional brothers but my brother says he hasn't read them so I don't know what he thinks.

Quicker Fire: 
These lead into a bit of a debate some of the time as well, but... umm, off the record completely maybe? :P
• Which character (if any) is most like you?

• Is there an issue/topic you would like to see more of in YA? Why?
More diversity; especially when its ordinary but non-white protag & it’s not about race. (We did discuss how critism can still exist and it can be regarded as tokenism, all of which you & I could discuss, it didn't need to be recorded!)

• Also pick your side: Real life worlds, fictional film/TV worlds or bookish ones?
Bookish ones!

• Thoughts on bookish world into a film world (for Infinite Sky)?
Books into films is an absolute dream!... I would sit in on things; not insist on control. (Then I asked a sneaky follow-up) Readers could sit in on auditions, it’s a great idea to involve readers & give them that opportunity (Ooh, I know it is!)

• Plotter or a Panster?

• Sad books or funny books?
Would love to write funny but prefer sad (like most of us Chelsey likes a mix but would I let her just say she’d want a book with a mix on the record? Hehe!)

That leads nicely onto the True or False (siding clear- well clearer as highlighted is Chelsey’s choice):

Your own books are closer to sad than funny. True/False
You prefer the hardcover edition cover of Infinite Sky to the paperback. True/False/Can’t say (only allowed one of those!)
You use your real name (well... ish). True/False
This is because of the short stories written under Chelsey Flood, not ambiguity- Young Adult gets have a different pen, but it’s real all the same!
You've had to do research for at least one of your novels instead of just writing what you know. True/False
You tend to write quite slow-paced novels. True/False
 Your characters end up leading the novel to places you hadn't predicted... True/False
You prefer hotter temperatures, maybe with a breeze, to cold still air. True/False
You now are OK with Umbrellas. True/False
Twitter beats the Facebook True/False

July 13, 2013

Reviewing... [32] Noble Conflict

Now. may I just say I am shocked that some people have never read any Malorie Blackman! Heck, she's not my 'idol'. Some people idolize her but I definitely have some contrasting opinions to her so there's no way she could be. I don't want to be an author but if I did maybe Malorie would inspire me! She writes a total range and that's why I hosted a month for her a while back... In other words, I adore most of her books & most of her as a person. I have my niggles but I can't really think of any niggles with this book... I had a feeling I would but I was WRONG! My wariness was totally unfounded :P Anyway why am I mentioning an event I had the pleasure of doing several months back? Beecccaauusee, I'm now 6 months old (by that I mean Amy Bookworm, blogger of books and not other assorted junk she blogged about before this blog). It's been a whirlwind since that calm pre-Easter!... There's been ups & downs which is what you often find in her books. As well, I'm typing this to show you the contrast between this reading & that month! For Malorie Blackman month my average rating was 4 stars (this isn't far of her goodreads average of 4.08), now guess what Amy Bookworm is rating Noble Conflict?

Amy Bookworm (@Amy_Bookworm) rated this book: 

Ah, it's all in the wrong order... Wait, there's a right order? Maybe you just want the review now... Not just rambles & ratings?

Reviewing... [32]

Source: Giveaway (so, I know... I could've reviewed it earlier but I wanted to wait til' nearer pub date so I was reading it at the same time as most others but still early on, it kinda worked but due to the release moving forward a month there was a bit of panicking) from publishers.
Author: Malorie Blackman 

Recommended for: LIKE EVERYONE. Especially Zoe @ Bookhi Blog! (Just so you know, she actually knows she has to read it. But you're not off the hook, read it!

ASDYEJIUZTHGO (you can't call that not spazzing out on the keyboard, fellow fangirls). SO MUCH ACTION. I think I'm going to die because I'm a total civilian just sitting, not even in alcove's like cool people, reading & being protected while some cool people (JUST CHARACTERS, YOU SAY? HOW DARE YOU!) kick butt. Also, Kaspar- cool person for sure- gets his butt handed to him a lot. But I love him. It's sort of similar to how I feel about Charlie from Perks. Kaspar is so raw and not book boyfriend material in my opinion. You can fangirl about how awesome he is but I wouldn't say it's a good idea to hunt him down like a stalker & force him to marry you! I wouldn't apply to marry him in any way whatsoever. I'm sorry Kaspar, you can be my brother if you like? You're probably smarter than Charlie and braver than my real brother! As for me... Well, this isn't a comparison to me and...
I need to turn this into a review, don't I? Not just get my emotions out like somebody crazier than a stalkerish fangirl (which I am not most of the time)! :O

IT's because I'm sad... and my cat didn't appreciate this. I need hugs!
So, things I did like (because I don't want to talk about why I clung to my cat like I was drowning...):
I loved the way it was written in a way very much reminiscent of a teenage boy, it was in third person but apart from that it was like being spoken too. No, better than that. I could visualize it really well and feel it ALL. Every last thing. WHICH HURT. I don't want to hurt but I loved Noble Conflict, pains & gains!
It's so realistic, Blackman was trying to shock me & touch my heart... You've figured out it worked, no doubt. Why are the themes so tangible? It racks you with not just feels but deep thoughts. Yes, they eat at you. And you will have to eat the book to sustain yourself (I did try to but then you're so busy and you're tweeting as well... This book took me like 3 weeks, it was amazing & I wish I could have devoured it faster).
Unlike for some, there wasn't a point at which I was reading it faster except when I just had time & wanted to read as well. I thought it all went really well & no part appeals to me more. I remember certain bits more but I can't label them & I don't want to go all spoilery because then YOU might be crying before you've even turned the first page!
It's of a really high standard & I can't think of words to describe it... Apart from maybe it's a parabola? Yes, that's perfect (why don't I mention Maths as well to make this the worst review ever written?... I know why I am, there's things other than books!) There's ups & there's downs. As soon as you would think the Noble Conflict might be calming down it just shoots in the other direction. It yo-yo's, it doesn't just have twists. Twists doesn't describe much...

I also loved Mac and I loved Rhea. I spent most of the book thinking I liked Rhea more just because of the mystery around her & the way she was sensitive & thoughtful in a way I haven't seen much. She was as a girl in a Dystopian should be, brave but not stupid, a bit impulsive but reasoning and definitely intriguing... However, there's nothing like an image of a purple-haired phoenix rising up in a Dystopian & be such a symbol for the other side of girls (I don't know what I mean by other side). Between them both they've got all the bases covered... And probably all of Kas covered, as Mac would say.
You probably think I'm saying there's a love triangle but I wouldn't call it that... There was a smidgen of romance but it was too small for anything to flourish into love & turn into a triangle! I know Kaspar adored both but it wasn't empathized too much & it didn't seem like the lust that is in so many books! There was a sweet gentleness to it & I think it's probably one of my favourite parts just because not a lot of the book was gentle or calm. Sure, it built up well & definitely was more crazy at the end but all of it I felt was just AMAZING. Everything (I stand by my word, don't I?).
If this isn't enough for you, think about the best book you know where the world seemed properly built specifically because there were historical texts and stuff. Before, this was Delirium. The use of articles written by the High Council were similar to letters and things like that which have been dotted between chapters in very few books. It's always a great addition! I was extremely interested in the society itself and my mixed feelings for it ended up defined... I have no mixed feelings now but the fact that I did tells you something... Isn't Dystopia about hating the society? Wow, I really hadn't thought about that!
I think this will be a hit. Just you wait- there will be hype. Well, there should be. I don't want Blackman's Noughts & Crosses to steal the thunder when this, and others of her publications, has so much going for it...

Enjoy reading guys! Don't forget to add this to your Goodreads TBR and if you like check out my Malorie Blackman Month posts!

July 11, 2013

Some book festival (and signed books!)

Fly, hosted at the UEA (for the whole of East Anglia, so umm... Midlanders, you missed out!), wasn't just some book festival so my posts title mislead you. It was a fabulous event where authors mingled, acting as if they were real people... OK, I actually think they might be (shh, don't tell) as they were friendly & probably just as excited and nervous as me! They were lovely and do you know how amazing it was? I'm almost speechless now but I wasn't then... Huh, that's weird. I'm sitting in front of the computer and do you think the excitement has gone? No. There aren't words so I'll just tell you the facts:
I've only ever met one author before & I was too little to really remember it. I was dragged along with my brother... It might be a once in a lifetime opportunity, they said! FLY didn't exist then but tiny local libraries did. Now, this is a whole different kettle of fish, where have the libraries gone?

Well, I felt like I was walking into a library just waiting in the foyer before heading to the lecture theatre where I sent this tweet before promptly turning off my phone & opening 'Flip' to follow along as Martyn Bedford's event was up first!

He was welcomed and I rolled my eyes at the bits about awards and smiled when we were told about Flip knowing that yes, some people that had come didn't know much about it & may never look an author in the eyes again. Do I want to be, or am I, one of those? Well... what happened next answers that but I don't want to move on yet.

I don't know what I expected but I think it went better than I'd hoped. I had my Flip edition out as he read an extract from the first chapter... It was similar to what he read but I know he missed bits, or maybe they weren't in his books... I didn't ask as that's just a tiny bit awkward! Flip is the YA debut of Bedford but there's another set to be released soon! Anyway, as I said I've only met one author before. So guess how many books I actually have signed?
Well, from that meeting none (they are my brother's books). But I have two signed books, What's Up With Jody Barton? Is it personalized? No, how could it?
So Flip, I was first in the queue for the signings believe it or not, was my first but not my last that day (I do have one personalized signed book previous to this but I also got it very recently so I feel a bit like a fail):

It says my name. I couldn't get over the fact that:
a) I'd walked up & we'd had a nice conversation while waiting for others to queue- most had to buy books, I had one ready- and it was a total afterthought to say that my name was Amy. When I realized he had his pen poised I was like, "Amy." We had a discussion about how people might even spell 'Amy' wrong (or differently, if you prefer) & it's the same with his name.
b) His next door neighbour comes from round here & guess who knew my school? Umm, yeah... My school is bloody famous (yikes!), even though it's definitely not the best!

An awesome signed book! Thanks C <3
It's so awesome I only realized now it was the previous
day's date... I couldn't care less, frankly.
But was I totally starstruck yet? Or even as bubbly as I'd get? No... I'll admit I was like, "I hope talking to Chelsey isn't as awkward... O.o". OK, I'm not great with the signing-queue type conversation but the quiet one to ask an author questions & just discuss random things? I felt comfortable there even though it wasn't exactly a 1-1. That's my Mother for you... She treated it a bit like a parent's evening, even saying "Amy does this" as if I wasn't there. So, no... Chelsey Flood (yes, you get the proper introduction now) didn't put me out of my comfort zone- my pesky mother did! Even telling me to say the magic words when I got my book signed. Is she even for real? So... what did me & Chelsey talk about?...
I think I'll write a separate post on this because teasing you lot is an opportunity too good to miss, HA HA. For now I'll just say this, she is even awesomer than she appeared on Twitter. Meeting authors in real life? WIN.

You can see from this post the things that might happen when you meet authors, either in a signing queue in an auditorium with over a hundred people, or privately when get to grill them (please don't literally, how will they write books?) I got a bookmark too but that's nothing groundbreaking... Unlike the posters in the loos specifically put up for this festival:

Great choices of quotes Team, the fact I found an excuse to go in three seperate loo cubicles tells you something...
3 things: Toilet doors, weirdest thing you've seen yet?

Tell me they're NOT awesome. Well, I'd rather you say little posters designed for toilet doors aren't than any of the rest! Do you like it? Wish you'd been there (I do, but do you, imagine what would've happened if I'd met you or if this was the UK BEA, it looked a bit like it with all those books *sigh* if only they were free)? Are you interested in seeing what Chelsey said in our epic talk (another teaser: we discussed having cold feet, now that's not something you hear every day... but see why I was comfortable! I was just being a crazy fan, or all-round crazy person/blogger/reader/oddball)?
So, yeah... I could talk all day about this but let's just say this: I'LL GO AGAIN! So, maybe next year now you know about it? Yabbering on all day wouldn't be a fab blog post but umm... maybe you'll think this was OK! YAY OR NAY (that seems to work)? :D

July 08, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

A weekly meme hosted by Book Journey
I decided I'd post this meme as I've been so absent and I want you to know it hasn't all gone wrong... I might act like it has but I'm still a blogger, no chickens included, with a head. So, you haven't really heard from me as much as you should've or would've. Obviously most of the Indie Self-Published Event went to plan, but not the last week & with one week of chaos in July gone I want to see if I can have the rest better planned and calmer. So, I'm letting you know the simplest things I can and you'll know I'm alright ;)
I basically read 5 books during June, Runners & Tethers were not reviewed.

Now on to the less basic...
            Last week I read...

Teaser quote: 
"... don't make for a safe world. Just the opposite. Books and knowledge are facets of the truth and the truth can be very dangerous," Mac argued. "You of all people should know that!"

Now I am currently reading...

Infinite Sky by C.J. Flood 
Teaser quote (from blurb):
"...the same question flails around my head, like a hawkmoth round a light-bulb: Is it possible to keep loving somebody when they kill someone you love?”

(You may have seen on Twitter that the reason I'm reading it is because I'm going to meet her! If you have any questions you'd like to know the authors to please tweet me them, leave them in the comments below... or something else before Tuesday, when I get to say hi & interrogate the poor woman face-to-face :P)

What might I delve into next?

Young Moon by Sharon Sant
Teaser quote (from Goodreads quotes):
Fiction Addiction Book Tours“Jacob glanced across at the woman. 'She'd have you for breakfast, mate.'
'Yeah,' Luca countered, 'maybe I want to be had for breakfast.”

For the Sky Song tour I get to review Young Moon so I shall definitely be reading this soon...

And... Flip (I'm meeting Beford but not in the same regard) |  The Truth About Celia Frost (library book)
| Disconnect (was an ecopy freebie a while ago...) |

These'll last me more than a week all the books, authors & stuff! Now all I need is to be patient & share this computer nicely as well... What have you got coming up that I should know about? Certain books, reviews tours, authors you're meeting...? Share them all & know that reviews WILL be coming.
Promise (one from Amy Bookworm)!

July 04, 2013

Reviewing... [31] Far Out

As you no doubt know by now I've not had my laptop for over a week now... You MUST cry over spilt coffee as you know what this has meant? Yes, you do. You know my blogging has been affected, my fangirling too (I can't GIF as adequately with a kindle). But here is a GIF, not because my laptop is fixed- it's not, it has to have a replacement keyboard- but because the family computer has been free for little snippets (ie. when my brother has been away). I really do think you'll still see me around but I can't predict when, just how... It either involves my kindle or blackmailing my brother & I'm coping :P

But here's a review & a lil' bit about what I did before I realized the effects of coffee on laptop keyboards.

Far Out stands out because y'know, the title says it all... Lil' far out, or something... That river ain't even connected to the mainstream *dramatic arm gestures* WHAT MIGHT BE OUT THERE... far, far out? (loc 1073). Oh My... It's a GR quiz, although you all know I'm more of a poll person addict it's still pretty cool. I got 9/10 as I didn't know what Saffron's favourite colour was :P Tip: try & remember that.
Personally I think Saffron's favourite colour should be ginger. I'm biased as hell.

Reviewing... [31]

Source: Received for review.Author: Fiona Faith RossRecommended for: Herbalists. Or people who like nice shampoo. Wow, I'm... helpful.

Now on to the book (I'm getting there, and not reviewing the 'Far Out Tumblr'). The premise was intriguing but I'll admit it didn't sound really 'far out' or unique. It is.
Themes run through which involve flower language/herbs, a subject which I have never seen touched in such an enlightening but not overwhelming way. OK, I've never seen it mentioned in any books either but it a nice element. 'Far Out' had many areas in which there was a large quantity of action; these bits were fast-paced but calm was never too far away. The story is more complex than a novel bouncing between calm and action and this isn't the only contrast. There's hippie's but they have nothing to do with the method of communication which is "thoughts"... Technology rules and global warming has turned England into outdoor swimming pool weather (I imagine, none were mentioned). It may have been set in a slum. Funnily enough the world was built strongly but the chalets and caravans never felt like the worst place to be or the worst of it all... Sure, the setting was realized but it seemed like help was never far away in the slums. The opinion I'm trying to express is basically that there wasn't a lot of conflict. I'm not saying there has to be a spartan society but I expected to see motives and perhaps something more bleak whereas what I saw was the result of a blend of the coming-of-age plot and a place where high hopes exist.
Saffron did obtain knowledge of herself and she definitely wasn't cut out to be a heroine. In all truth, she was too self-focused and reacted in such bizarre ways (in my opinion). For example, how many teenage protagonist's wet themselves? Saffron wasn't even in a particularly frightening scenario & there she was, completely erasing her dignity & she hadn't even needed the toilet.
So, do slums not have diaper's?

I think I should have more sympathy for her but I don't have a spare spine to hand! I really wanted to like her as I know she was a nice person and was finding herself but boy, I had a critical response for her.
All I could think was that Nate really should have bought her some... She's almost 18! Her reactions aren't always pathetic but I wouldn't call her brave. She's not witty, not rough around the edges, not depressed, she doesn't hyperventilate or feel queasy so my empathising was really not surfacing. She seemed to have a bit of a wide-eyed "delicate" personality which didn't really appeal to me.
Even if Saffron didn't seem realistic to me most of 'Far Out' was realistic. The technology was believable and the society had turmoil for a reason even if it isn't crystal clear, perplexing history is better than absence of how it came to be which is why I think the world building was established boldly.

Far Out is an vivid, unusual tale with successful world-building which makes it a fairly super read.

But even so, Amy Bookworm (@Amy_Bookworm) rated this book:

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